Chaidh càineadh a dhèanamh air an taigh-seinnse The Office ann an Lìte mu phostair oilbheumach a th’ anns na taighean-beaga aca.
Tha am postair air ainmeachadh Office Banter agus e a’ liostadh diofar abhcaidean a tha gràin-chinnidheach, gnèithealach agus gràineil ri luchd-LGBT.
Am-measg na h-abhcaidean, tha eisimpleirean mar:
“What’s the hardest part of rollerblading? Telling your parents that you are gay.”
“What did Boy George say to Michael Jackson? You Beat It, and I’ll cumma cumma cum.”
“Did you hear about the Chinese couple that had a retarded baby? They named him Sum Ting Wong.”
Ann am post air Facebook sgaoil Kevin Tierney dealbh dhen soidhne comhla ris am brath: “Toilet walls in the office on Easter road… take this racist/sexist/homophobic s*** down eh..”.
Sgrìobh Hellish Scott: “1970’s style s***e humour should be left in the 70s along with Jimmy Savile and all the other wonderful things from the time when ‘things were different’.”
Agus sgrìobh John Baird: ‘It’s maybe not offensive to everyone however it is outdated, cheap and crass. Much like the establishment itself.’
Cha deach freagairt a thoirt seachad leis The Office fhathast ach tha iad air an duilleag Facebook aca a dhùineadh a-nis.
Ma tha beachd agad mun a' phost seo, faodaidh tu a chur thugam air Mastodon.