Tha Alasdair Mac a’ Ghobhainn, Ceannard Fèis-pròise Ghlaschu air a dhreuchd a leigeil dheth as dèidh 10 bliadhna mar thoradh air duilgheadasan an tachartais am-bliadhna.
Chuir còrr ’s 1500 daoine na h-ainmean aca ri athchuinge ag iarraidh air a dhreuchd a leigeil dheth air sgàth duilgheadasan a bha a’ ciallachadh nach b’ urrainn do dhaoine faighinn a-steach dhan tachartas.
Ann an aithris (a ghabhas leughadh gu h-ìseal) tha Mgr Mac a’ Ghobhainn air ràdh gu bheil e “uabhasach duilich dhaibhsan nach d’fhuair a-steach dhan fhèis” agus gu bheil e “an dòchas gun urrainn do dh’Fhèis-pròise Ghlaschu càirdeasan a chàradh agus càirdeasan adhartach ùra a stèidheachadh leis an Riaghaltas ionadail agus gun toir iad taic leantainneach dhaibh.”
“I have been involved with Pride Glasgow for over 10 years in various roles. I have been instrumental in the growth of the event over the years and the delivery of the ‘Pride Life’ volunteer project.
This year’s event was not without its challenges and I’m hugely sorry for those who didn’t get access to the Festival. I know and trust that the team at Pride Glasgow will learn important lessons and deliver a fantastic event for the community next year.
I’d like to thank all the staff at Glasgow City Council for their support over the years and hope that Pride Glasgow can rebuild and establish new positive relationships with local government and that they will offer continued support.
There has been some contention and fractioning-off within the community after this years event and I hope that with my resignation, the community will work together to resolve issues and focus on the pride movement moving forward.
Pride will always hold a place in my heart but I have decided it’s time for me to hand over the rainbow baton and provide opportunities for new ideas and fresh enthusiasm.
I have had many great opportunities at Pride and have been privileged to work along side thousands of passionate volunteers. I wish the current volunteers the very best and would like to thank them for all of the support and the kindness they have shown me over the years – you’re all amazing and a fantastic team.”
Alasdair Mac a’ Ghobhainn – Aithris Liubhairt, 8mh An Dàmhair 2018:
Leig Fo-cheannard agus Stiùiriche na fèis, Ross Stevenson, dheth a dhreuchd anns an Lùnastal nuair a dh’fheumadh an fhèis £10,000 a phàigheadh air ais do luchd-frithealaidh nach d’fhuair a-steach air sgàth ’s gun do reic iad barrachd tiocaidean na bha ri fhaotainn.
Cuideachd tha Pink Saltire ag aithris gu bheil àireamh de dh’fhiachan (a dh’fhaodadh a bhith suas ri £40,000) aig an fhèis a tha fhathast ri phàigheadh. Thuirt neach-labhairt na fèis ri Phink Saltire gu bheil iad a’ bruidhinn ri HMRC agus cunntasair ùr mu na dùbhlain leantainneach aca.
Ma tha beachd agad mun a' phost seo, faodaidh tu a chur thugam air Mastodon.